Le souffle de la nature ● Don Fayel Hadrien
A man slips into a river and lets himself go adrift until he loses all control. Plunged into a dreamy state, he runs into unlikely encounters in unusual situations.
Les Immontrables – Bruxelles 2015
Festival des cinémas différents de Paris 2015
Duración: 29:00 min.
Año de producción: 2015
País: Francia
Don Fayel Hadrien:
Born in 1980 in the north of France, Hadrien don Fayel got his degree at the institut Saint-Lusc Tournai (Belgium) after 8 years of studying photography and plastic arts. He also studied art anthropology at Mons and film directing in CLCF, Paris. His first experimental short films got him selected in around thirty international festivals such as the Moondance International Film Festival or the Rencontres Paris/ Berlin/ Madrid. FILMOGRAPHIE 2007 LA FONCTION HUMAINE 4 min 20 1 selection in international festival 2008 CELUI QUI PAR SES REVES GUIDE LE MONDE, A TRAVERS LES AUTRES CHERCHE SA VOIE 3 min 50 2 selections in international festivals LE COEUR PARLAIT: Portrait de Jean Touzet 22 min 13 selections in international festivals ECHOS (co-directed with Perrine Liévois) 59 min 13 selections in international festivals Best Feature Film in Moondance International film festival, USA 2014 LE SOUFFLE DE LA NATURE 71 min GARDIEN DE LA PAIX 8 min LA PROFONDEUR DU CHANT – SPECTRUM ORCHESTRUM 1 min 50 2015 LE SOUFFLE DE LA NATURE - VARIATION 29 min