XircaNoX ● Iriz Paabo

El instinto de caza juega en un entorno otro mundo fascinante. Decenas de imágenes de la historia de arte, tomados del dominio público, pueblan este mundo e interactúan de maneras sorprendentes. Se establece en una partitura original del compositor-animador.
The hunting instinct plays out in an entrancing otherworld setting. Dozens of art history images taken from the public domain populate this world and interact in surprising ways. Set to an original score by the composer-animator.
Duración: 5:00 min.
Año de producción: 2014
País: Canadá
Iriz Paabo:
Is an internationally recognized composer-filmmaker with 14 films to her credit. HA'Aki - her recent film with the National Film Board of Canada - was the winner of the Ars Electronica Golden Nica award for Best Computer Animation and Visual Effects. In a creative process that is informed by a synesthesia involving musical keys tones pitch and colour Pä ä bo creates visual music that collapses the distinction between image and sound.